Fallout 3 goty steam windows 10

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That said, Linux users can now play Fallout 3: Game of the Year through Proton without any issues with this new update.

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While patch is an excellent addition to Fallout 3: Game of the Year, the patch breaks mods like Fallout 3 Script Extender and reportedly breaks the game's compatibility with some mods for the game. This means that Fallout 3 is now easier to play on modern gaming PCs, though the patch is a double-edged sword for existing fans of the game. On Steam, Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition has just been patched to remove Games for Windows Live, which means that the game is no longer has any dependencies on the long-dead Microsoft service. That said, many games continued to feature Games For Windows Live long after the service was closed, creating a mess for PC gamers, especially after Windows 10 launched. Games for Windows Live was dropped by Microsoft back in 2014, forcing many game developers to remove the service from their already-released PC games.

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Games For Windows Live has finally been removed from Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition on Steam